The youngest.
The baby of the family. Or the princess, as the youngest in my family growing up was referred to. They always have a way of standing out – figuring out which buttons to push, what they can get away with, or just the realization that the rules are just a bit different than they were with their older siblings.
And they are potentially a bit more vocal.
When it comes to this blog, she’s always got an idea, a suggestion, a way to throw her two cents in. I think it’s pretty great that she is curious, and actually reads (most) of what I write.
This week’s idea, complete with written bullet points, boils down to adaptability.
And yeah, adaptability when it comes to real estate. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs and it ends up causing us to make a change. Other times, it’s more than one change. Well, she just turned 12, and she’s quick to point out that she’s lived in 9 houses.
That’s quite a bit of change.
But every time, she’s always been excited about a new room, and a new place (ok, maybe not the times when she had to share with her sister, lol). I know it hasn’t always been easy, and moving is tough for all of us, but may we all approach the curveballs and changes in our lives with the enthusiasm my daughter has shown along the way.
So, when that change is coming your way, and you need a new place, give me a call. I can even bring my youngest along with me to walk you through the list of things to do, after all, she’s moved more than most!
Keep those ideas comin my way, Bribri. Love ya!
(And yes, finally this one is about you!)