
Every January 1st, we all stop to think about the past year, think about what we enjoyed, and ultimately, we decide what things in our day-to-day life we want to change.  The flipping of the calendar gives us a chance to reflect, reset and implement new habits that will get us to where we want to be.

 Diet (meh)

Sleeping better (we can all wish)

Working out (ok, I’m on board)

Traveling more (this one seems like fun!

Upgrading your house (now we’re talking!)

Yup, this time of year is a great time to consider whether you would be better served with a different place to call home.  We’ve just been through the holiday season - perhaps you were hosting family and realized that a bit more space would be great for next time.  Maybe as the decorations got put away, you got a head start and decluttered a bit.  You might be excited for spring to come and have started dreaming of a new back yard to hang out this summer.

If this resonates with you, send me a message! We can work together to find you a new place to call home! If you need to sell, you might be surprised by what your home is worth these days! 

So, if you haven’t landed on your 2025 resolution yet, there you have it!

Happy New Year!!



Winter driving.

Yeah, I’ve probably talked about this before… but the past week or so, let’s just say the roads have been a little less than ideal. Snow, ice, poor visibility, crashes, closures… there’s been a bit of all of that.

Take your time, slow it down.

There’s those days where we don’t really have a choice but to be out on the roads. Work, appointments, sports (can’t miss those games!)…where we just have to plan accordingly, give ourselves some extra time, pack some snacks, and get to where we need to go.

Yep, snacks are the key!

Of course, where we live can greatly impact the frequency we are on those roads and how far we have to go! If work and life activities are in the town we live in, those snow days just don’t have quite the same impact on the schedule.

Have you had to be on the roads too much?

If this weeks travels has you rethinking where you’ve decided to call home, let’s chat. We have still got a long way to go this winter – maybe we can find you a place to call home that gives you the ability to be home more and on the roads less.

Til then, be safe out there.

And don’t forget the snacks!


The youngest.

The baby of the family. Or the princess, as the youngest in my family growing up was referred to. They always have a way of standing out – figuring out which buttons to push, what they can get away with, or just the realization that the rules are just a bit different than they were with their older siblings.

And they are potentially a bit more vocal.

When it comes to this blog, she’s always got an idea, a suggestion, a way to throw her two cents in. I think it’s pretty great that she is curious, and actually reads (most) of what I write.

This week’s idea, complete with written bullet points, boils down to adaptability.

And yeah, adaptability when it comes to real estate. Sometimes, life throws us curveballs and it ends up causing us to make a change. Other times, it’s more than one change. Well, she just turned 12, and she’s quick to point out that she’s lived in 9 houses.

That’s quite a bit of change.

But every time, she’s always been excited about a new room, and a new place (ok, maybe not the times when she had to share with her sister, lol). I know it hasn’t always been easy, and moving is tough for all of us, but may we all approach the curveballs and changes in our lives with the enthusiasm my daughter has shown along the way.

So, when that change is coming your way, and you need a new place, give me a call. I can even bring my youngest along with me to walk you through the list of things to do, after all, she’s moved more than most!

Keep those ideas comin my way, Bribri. Love ya!

(And yes, finally this one is about you!)


Sports… & Advil?

I think it’s been well noted here that I’m a reasonably big sports fan. I wouldn’t say I’m one of those crazy over the top, paint your face, kinda guys… but I keep tabs on pretty much everything – hockey, football, baseball, basketball, golf, volleyball, and heck, I’ve even followed a few games of darts.

But Advil?

Yep, been hit pretty hard this week with the crappy bug that’s been flying around the past little while. Hence… popping Advil and… watching sports! I’m up to speed on the Jets latest road trip (couple losses but it’s all good), the Vikings are 9-2, the Bryson hole-in-one over his house, started reading my latest book "Tiger, Tiger" and yes, been up to date on today’s Thanksgiving NFL Turducken games! Which all kinda points to one thing…

Couch time.

It’s when we’re not feeling our best that we usually actually are forced to take the time to plunk down on the couch, and not really do a whole lot. Thankfully, it truly feels like home when I’m sick… there’s my “old-man” recliner which is awesome comfy, or there’s the basement sectional which is perfect when I just need it dark and restful.

How about you?

Hopefully, you’ve got a relaxing place to chill out when the inevitable sick bug finds you. If not, give me a call (next week – just kidding, we can chat anytime!) and let’s start that search. We’re all gonna feel sick sooner or later, might as well have that comfy spot all ready for when it does.

Now back to my book...and some rest.


Stop the Scroll!

Did you? Did you stop? If so, let me say right off the hop – thank you!

Yesterday, I attended an event for Manitoba REALTORS®, and one of the things that resonated with me was when a presenter said our goal as an agent on social media is to do exactly that – Stop the Scroll. Everyone spends time there pretty much every day, often mindlessly swiping up on our phones, often seeing ad after ad, and if your feed is like mine, hardly seeing what our actual friends are posting!

So, once again, if you came across this and stopped, thank you!

These days, social media is one of the main ways we get our information. And of course, business owners (yes, that includes me!), are doing our best to be noticed and unique, in the hopes that people are inclined to at least inquire about our product or service.

That’s not going away. That’s where the people are.

This is my “unique” social media offering for the time-being, and I truly do appreciate the time you spend to read what I have to say. Maybe someday soon I’ll push myself to do some more video or maybe even a podcast - if you think that could be fun, let me know!

Yesterday’s event provided a bunch of great ideas to implement, and I’m excited to keep evolving as my business grows. It also confirmed to me that this little blog that I’ve been doing is a fun way to share with all of you.

And of course, if you’re curious about buying or selling, please reach out!

Have a great weekend…now, back to scrolling! ;)


Five in a row.

Can you believe it? The Blue Bombers are going to the Grey Cup game for the FIFTH straight time!  I will be the first to admit that back in 2019 when Zach Collaros showed up in the Peg City, I didn’t believe that would change anything.

And all they’ve done since then is win a whole bunch!

But I’d also say, after the past couple years of disappointment in the big game, that it’s time to bring that Grey Cup back to Manitoba!  After a tough start to the year, the Blue have been on quite a run, and I’d love to see that carry into Sunday.

If you’re like me, you’re planning to watch the game.

The days are long gone of going to a bar or lounge to enjoy a big game like that.  I’d much rather get together at someone’s house or even host a watch party.  But when I consider hosting, and I imagine you might be the same, the question always pops up in my head…

Is my place worthy of a Grey Cup party?? 

Most of us these days likely have a TV that’s big enough to watch, but do we have the space and comfy furniture to have a few friends over?  Do we have an island or spot to put all the appy’s and snacks?  If not, we always find a way to make due to cheer on our teams, but these are the things we likely think about from time to time.

Well, in case you don’t feel your home is host-worthy, I can’t get you into a different home by Sunday.  But if you feel you could benefit from a better entertaining space, I could make that happen in time for Super Bowl! Give me a call and we can explore your wish list and find you exactly what you’re looking for!

Let’s Go Bombers!  For the W!


The ensuite.

I mean, who doesn’t love a well-designed ensuite with that gorgeous tiled shower, double vanity, heated floor, space and privacy.

Sounds pretty great, right?

I’ve been fortunate to have one in a couple of houses I’ve lived in, but sadly, I’m currently ensuite-less. I’ve pulled out the measuring tape, done some sketches, even have a couple layouts on a Pinterest board, but alas, I’m stuck sharing a bathroom with the kids.

Ok ok, it’s not that bad.

I know I’m not alone. Many of us live in a home that just wasn’t designed for one. We make the most of it. But, it is one of those desired features that many people look for when searching for a home.

We all want that extra little space to ourselves, right?

I have good news! My residential listings currently on the market ALL have ensuites! One has a freshly updated one with dual sinks, the tiled shower, natural light… another is spacious, attached to the walk-in closet… the third fits it all in and although a little tighter, it still provides the space and utility that’s desired.

So, if you’re looking to upgrade to an ensuite, give me a call.

We’ll find you exactly what you’re looking for.


Dad Tax!

The trick or treating will be in full force tonight as the kids go out in our communities and see just how full they can fill their bags/pillow cases/wagons! And of course, as the ritual would have it, dads everywhere will be swooping in and laying their claim to a decent portion of the haul.

Dad Tax!

Let’s be clear, the dad tax is applicable in all jurisdictions throughout the year. It often shows up driving in the car with a dad hand sliding between the front seats when our kids have something sweet in the back. However, I’d be willing to lay money on the line that the tax rate goes up substantially every Oct 31st (and likely for days & weeks to come).

I lay claim to a variety of candy – Reeses PB cups, Reeses Pieces, M&M’s, among others and of course my all-time favourite, ROCKETS!

I’m not a big Hallowe’en guy, and don’t love getting dressed up. But the candy & chips part of the night, that’s something I can support!

May all the kids heading out this evening have fun and be safe!

And to all those dads out there, enjoy the most profitable Dad Tax day of the year!

PS – if you have an over abundance of Rockets, you know who to call!



They are one of those things that we all go through at some point or another, but I haven’t met too many people that actually enjoy them. Everyone approaches them differently, but in the end, they are one of the few ways to really gauge how well someone understands subject matter.

I think we all hope that at some point we will have written our last one, but we never really know. I’ve written dozens over the years, and it doesn’t really matter when it’s been, there’s a different set of nerves that kick in right before I walk through that door.

A week ago, it was no different.

I was prepared. I knew the course material. I was pretty confident that I was going to do well. And still, those nerves were still there, just like they always are.

I’m happy to report that I PASSED! The successful completion of the next level of my Commercial Real Estate designation is finished!

I have spent countless hours understanding the unique ways in which Commercial real estate works. There’s a large variety of different properties and businesses, and also rules, regulations, and complex contract details to understand when you embark upon a commercial transaction.

Having an agent on your side that can explain and calculate Capitalisation Rates, Time Value of Money, Rates of Investment Returns, Amortization Schedules, Debt Service Coverages, Lending Values, etc, is a very good thing. They are all important details, depending on the type of purchase or sale, and your short & long-term real estate goals.

So, if you’ve been contemplating a commercial real estate investment or sale, give me a call. Not only is that a large part of what I do, I also have the knowledge and credentials to lean on to provide you with great advice and guidance.

I wish I could tell you that was my last exam, but I know it wasn’t.

There’s always more to learn.


The gym.

Huh? It’s not January 1st, why are we talking about the gym?!

I’m like most people out there, I’ll admit. At the beginning of every year, I have talked about going to the gym for years, and here we are in my mid-40s, and darn it, I finally did it (well, starting in February, but shhh!)

Going on 8 months strong, I’ve been making the time for myself to get stronger & healthier. It’s better for myself, for my wife, for my kids – for not only my body, but also my mind.

When I first walked in that gym, I was nervous. I had never done it before. I was a little overwhelmed, even though I’d say I had a general knowledge of what I might do. I mean, how hard can it be?

Well, let’s just say, hiring a personal trainer guide me through the ins and outs was the best decision to make by far! He’s attentive to what I need individually, provides me specific exercises and weight loads to get me the best results, and ensures that I don’t hurt myself as we go through the program.

Pretty important, right?

Guess what? The expertise my personal trainer provides me at the gym, is very similar to the expertise I strive to provide my clients in real estate! Working with you individually to provide you a tailored solution to get the best results we can when buying or selling a home, and do it as pain free as possible!

So… if you’re looking to start going to the gym, give my buddy Devon @431strengthsquadron a call! You’ll be blown away for his amazing attitude and caring approach to being healthy and strong. It’s been a blast and can’t wait to keep it going!

And…if you’re thinking about buying or selling your home, and would like some personalized advice to make it happen, give me a call - I’d love to help you out.



It’s all around us, even if we don’t even realize it. It’s an incredible tool, and there are plenty of ways to have it infiltrate our personal and business lives, I believe, mostly for the better.

Artificial Intelligence.

A few years back, it was an idea that had been spoken about, that we knew would eventually find its way into the world. All of a sudden, 18 or so months ago, it blew up! Within weeks of the first Chat GPT, there were many followers, and it hasn’t stopped.

In real estate, there are plenty of ways that we can use AI. We can automate processes, we can digitally stage homes in photos, we can use it to find stats and information quickly. It could even write this blog for me in mere seconds.

It is a great tool – and that’s what it is, a tool. When I look at what I offer to those I’m fortunate to work with, I look to integrate it and be more efficient, but I don’t want to lose sight of what I’m really striving for.


It is something that I think we can all appreciate when we receive it. To me, it’s a differentiator and it drives me personally to come back and do business with that person again in the future.

Authentic Experience.

I do my best to be truly myself – someone with many years of professional experience to offer, someone who has bought and sold a number of homes and truly understands the process, someone who has a quirky sense of humour at times, and enjoys keeping the experience light and fun when appropriate.

There’s plenty of technology out there and it’s a great way to save some time and implement some new ideas easier than it was before. But it doesn’t do everything for us.

I personally answer my phone, I personally reply to my texts and emails. I have made the conscious decision to type out this blog for you guys every week, so you can read my thoughts and insights.

There is no doubt that AI is here to stay.

The great news is that for my clients, so is AE.



Here we are, getting into late September and the schedules are starting to fall into place. If your homes are anything like mine, those schedules are BUSY!

And when it comes to managing the routines, and being prepared for the week’s activities, it’s important to have a central hub where it all comes together. Where everything has its place, it’s always organized, and everything just runs smoothly.


If that’s your house, well done!

It can be a lot – and having a home base that checks off most of those boxes does help.

I mean, for me, let’s see what we have going on… 3 volleyball teams, 3 hockey teams, some cattle shows, school activities, and the every day stuff that pops up. The white board calendar – oh it’s full!

That’s where the central hub can help. When you get back from the day’s “stuff”, it certainly helps to have a home to put things away where they need to be, have room to organize for the next day, and a place to put your feet up and relax.

If that doesn’t sound like your current situation, I’d love to help you find a place that helps your routines function better. After all, you work hard to make it all happen, and if I can help make that easier for you…

I’m in.

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